

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Leaving Time

" The Leaving Time"

Through the tangled branches,
I see the hues of scottish tartan hills...
i see the hints of sunlit fingers reaching
this dark forest floor,
to stroke my cold body,
warming me...
deliberate and steadfast,
the darkness becomes less so...
i am leaving this place now...
where i hid from myself...and from you.
walking, but not running...
glancing back,
but once.

I leave.

Introspect (dazed and left wondering)

I wish you could analyse me...
I wish you would.

Write a chapter for me.

Tell what you see,
what you hear me saying...
because i can't seem to see myself anymore...
i can't hear my voice.

it reverberates the abode of a strange place,
a foreign land...

I don't recognise my face...
i don't see the newness in mine eye,
just confusion...and a tear.
racing in parallels,
questioning every fear.

I wish you could analyse me...
tell me what i see is worthy of sight.

I wish you would analyse me...
and tell me what i hear is beauteous,
and not discordant and brash.

I am weak now,
but i will be strong again...
Humpty Dumpty has fallen...
where there are no "King's Men"...
there is Self.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When Blue was Green (Thanks Miles)

Before the fall...
when blue was green,
i could see the exception to every rule,
the Light would shine through every seam.

When blue was green -
your face captured me...
your eyes downward turning,
the smile that saved me from my own
tempest...my own darkness...my silly plea.

Green they were,
the hills...the valley to the east,
your eyes.

Blue now hides the rainbows,
blue now covers mine eyes...
glimpses of green
still  swipe the landscape...
oils the painter left behind.

When Blue was Green.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

My last breath...

The days ahead of us are never written in stone,
only the impressions of the past are due their memories.

As I look to the future I wonder when I will  take
my last breath,
where will It be?
will I be alone or will someone be holding my hand,
attending to my last glance?

Silly thoughts such as these ensnare my attentions from
time to time...
and yet they bring my focus to bear upon the
ultimate reality..
So as these last days hurry by and run swiftly away to
another place and another time,
I will allow the tea leaves cast the lots of the unassuming;

I pray that in my hearts-mind....to have tasted your lips,
to  have touched your face...
to have held you in soft embrace...


Song of the Multitudes

Song of the multitudes"

I serve the order, the kings, the wealthy,

until mine fingers swell and numb...

I roll the wheels,

when the night watch beats the drum.

....to this fate i am forever bound i ask?

....she paints her face to lure their attentions...

to sweep the night alleys,

with her long dress of red...

tis' this life she has grown accustomed to,

and each breath she draws with solemn dread.

......to this fate is she forever bound she asks?

...a trick for a pound,

...a broken hand for a pence...

nar' enough for crumbs and a drink,

not this night,

no...not this night...
