

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kindred Spirits

" Kindred Spirits....""

As a spirit from distant ages,

that portends of a renaissance of mind and heart,

embracing all that I see and hear...

and reaching...and renewing

the depths of the heart's wellspring...

and all of her aggregates,

a collage of experiences -

of forsaken memories that

often appear upon my brow...

and fall slowly from my cheek.

A spirit that now peers upon these surroundings-

that peers upon this soul...withdrawn...recoiled...waiting for the strength to return and imbibe me with a renewed hunger...

that familiar unquenchable thirst for Life.

A spirit that peers at a heart that hides its own forgetfulness well...

yet still charmed by old remembrances....

and new faces.

For the Heart,

Grace tends to her vessel sweetly...

and by its own hand, its own volition,

this Heart.... shall it be healed.

Gregory O'Seasnain

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